255: What’s With All the Orphans in 80s Sitcoms?
And no, it’s not Ronald Reagan’s fault. It’s a different president’s.
254: My Two Dads Can’t Escape the Gayness of Its Title
And it managed to acknowledge that gay people exist when Full House did not.
250: The Grand Unified Theory of Why Frasier Seems Gay
Sometimes a fire alarm is more than a fire alarm.
249: It’s a Will & Grace Thanksgiving!
Quite possibly the best gay-themed Thanksgiving episode ever.
243: A Different World Meets a Possible Lesbian
Technically, we never saw any gay students at Hillman, but there is a girl named Cougar...
240: Tori from Saved by the Bell Is a Lesbian Icon
There’s just something about a new girl on a motorcycle.
239: Community’s Gay Dean Is Not Actually Gay
In fact, gay is only two-sevenths of Craig Pelton’s complex sexual identity.
234: Amen’s Closeted Sitcom Star Smackdown
It’s Sherman Hemsley vs. Nell Carter in an explosion of anti-sexual tension.
232: Facts of Life Does a Covert Gay Episode With Cousin Geri
Given the queer shading to Blair’s character, there’s a whole different reading to this very special episode.
228: A Queer History of SNL, Part Four: The Lost Years
Terry Sweeney was the first openly gay cast member… and we didn’t get another one for 28 years.
224: Gimme a Break Transformed Into a Lesbian Perfect Strangers
What would fix the gradual queering of Gimme a Break? Rosie O’Donnell!
220: Frasier Has Two Daddies
Charles Emerson Winchester is the spiritual father of Frasier Crane… if not the biological one.
215: A Queer History of SNL, Part Three: The “Not Ready for Prime Time” Era
Occasionally better than you’d guess, but also sometimes worse than you’d imagine.
214: Gimme a Break Meets Yet Another 80s Orphan
Why are there so many parentless moppets in 80s sitcoms?
213: We Can Be Sad About Matthew Perry Dying and Still Think Friends Is Homophobic
The case for why we’re better off not wallpapering over the things Friends did wrong.
212: The Complete History of George Costanza’s Homosexuality
“An unblemished record of staunch heterosexuality.”
205: A Queer History of SNL, Part Two
From the Girl With No Gaydar to Bowen Yang in ten LGBTQ-centric sketches.
204: A Queer History of SNL, Part One
From Anita Bryant to Mango in ten LGBTQ-centric sketches.