253: Gilligan’s Island Does a Body Swap Episode
Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale of how the Skipper became Mrs. Howell.
236: How I Met Your Mother Meets a Gay Brother
Wayne Brady as Barney’s bro still works in 2024, even if Brady is out.
233: Mary and Phyllis Date a Possible Homosexual
Without saying the word “gay,” Mary and company speculate whether a new guy might be… you know, like Phyllis’ brother.
229: Lucy Meets a Drag Queen
How to make drag acceptable for mainstream America in one easy sitcom episode.
221: The Gay Origins of Mister Ed
Developed by a gay man, Mister Ed focuses on Wilbur, who’s chief emotional confidante is not his wife.
217: Frank’s Place Makes Hanukkah Gay
And three gay-coded characters who are all apparently straight?
199: The Honeymooners Meet a Sexually Ambiguous Latino
A real Rudolph Valentino, if you catch my drift.
191: Two and a Half Men Meets a Trans Man
Is this the only trans man-centric storyline ever done by a popular sitcom?
190: Green Acres Meets a Woman Named Ralph
The Monroe Brothers aren’t technically brothers, it turns out.
182: Weirdest Episode Ever: Lucy Gets Eaten by a Dragon
“Let’s do Brigadoon, even if Lucy is clearly not Scottish.”
165: Weirdest Episode Ever: Dick Van Dyke vs. Space Aliens
Not the first example of a weird sitcom ep, but probably the most famous.
162: Archie Bunker Goes to a Gay Bar
Did Archie soften his stance on gays between All in the Family and the sequel series? No, not really.
140: Becker Meets a Trans Woman
No, not that Ted Danson sitcom. No, the other one. No, the other one.
132: Totally Trans Talks All in the Family and Beverly LaSalle
Quite possibly the most heart-breaking Christmas episode in sitcom history.
104: Bob Newhart Treats a Gay
Bob Hartley: bad psychotherapist but pretty decent heterosexual.