253: Gilligan’s Island Does a Body Swap Episode
Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale of how the Skipper became Mrs. Howell.
247: That Girl Meets the Cross-Dressing Cops
Come for Marlo Thomas’s fashion, stay for the polite homophobia.
245: Bewitched Unleashes the Gay Scourge That Is Uncle Arthur
In which loving practical jokes stands in for homosexuality.
221: The Gay Origins of Mister Ed
Developed by a gay man, Mister Ed focuses on Wilbur, who’s chief emotional confidante is not his wife.
190: Green Acres Meets a Woman Named Ralph
The Monroe Brothers aren’t technically brothers, it turns out.
176: A Gay Alien Ruins The Flintstones
The Great Gazoo was allegedly inspired by a real-life gay.
165: Weirdest Episode Ever: Dick Van Dyke vs. Space Aliens
Not the first example of a weird sitcom ep, but probably the most famous.
164: The Addams Family Considers Conversion Therapy
Creepy, kooky, and as concerned as any parents that their child might turn out… you know, “wrong.”
106: Batgirl Is a Little Gay Boy’s Fantasy
Yes, her purple motorcycle does in fact have a fabric fringe.
38: Endora Turns Darren Into a Homo
Technically, Bewitched never did an out-and-out gay episode. Technically.
18: What’s Gay About the Dick Van Dyke Show?
Wait, did DVD just make a joke about ejaculate?