44: Homer Moves Into the Gayborhood

“Three Gays of the Condo” (April 13, 2003)

Six seasons after its inaugural gay episode, The Simpsons revisited the subject matter in the age of Will & Grace, and the end result sent Homer to live with two guys in Springfield’s gay district. This one exemplifies what it meant to do a gay sitcom after the point in time when it was no longer enough to just showcase straight characters being surprised that gay people exist, but is this a worthy successor to “Homer’s Phobia”? Drew and Glen talk though the good and the bad and the Weird Al.

Of note!

We now have transcripts for old episodes! Thanks, Sarah Neal! See them here.

This episode’s outro track is “Everybody Is Gay” by Latin Rose.

And finally, please enjoy this never-ending loop of Homer Simpson dancing in a gay club + the footage from the “Do the Bartman” video showing that Karl is, in fact, gay.


45: Susan’s Dad Had a Gay Affair With John Cheever


43: A Very Brady Christmas Is Gay Enough, Say Drew & Glen