185: Brothers Brings a Sitcom Sensibility to Gay Bashing

“It Only Hurts When I’m Gay” (October 25, 1985)

On paper, the idea of a sitcom taking on the subject of gay bashing seems like the worst idea, but somehow Brothers — TV’s first gay sitcom — manages to tell a real story about violence against gay people while avoiding the hokey “very special episode” tropes. We’re as shocked as anyone how good this turned out, and what’s more, it’s genuinely funny without underselling the gravity of the attack.

You can now watch Glen’s movie, Being Frank, on Freevee via Amazon Prime. WATCH IT NOW!

Please, watch this episode (and other Brothers episodes!) on YouTube. The posting we used to do this episode only had 36 views as of the time this GEE went live!

Episode artwork by Ian O’Phelan.


186: John Goodman Played Gay on Normal, Ohio


184: Barney Miller Protects the Rights of Gay Parents